Silk – the natural biomaterial that forms the core component of our FibroFix technology – is one of the worlds first medical materials. As long ago the greek surgeon, Galen of Pergamon (129 – 216AD), used silk threads to close surgical incisions and references to silk’s use to treat Samurai warriors battlefield wounds date back even earlier.
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Orthox implants are formed from FibroFix™, a patented, biomaterial with a molecular structure, strength and resilience that emulates human knee cartilage. FibroFix™ is based on Fibroin, a protein extracted from silk fibres, which Orthox process using proprietary technology.
Silk is a remarkable natural material. It is many times as tough as high tensile steel while also being elastic, resilient and biocompatible – ideal qualities for repairing cartilage tissue. Orthox’s FibroFix™ implants are manufactured using ISO standard, commercially sourced, medical silks produced from the mulberry silkmoth, Bombyx mori.